We arrived in Lanzhou around midnight this morning and just hit the sack. By the time morning came around, it was time to bid farewell to Lier, my dear friend. She has been our rock throughout this whole entire trip. She made all the necessary arrangements for us and was a tour guide and translator for the last week. I don't know how she put up with my mother and I, but we are so thankful and grateful for all her help throughout the last couple of months, so the Silk Road tour would be a success. She did an awesome job! Love you, Lier! How are we going to survive without her?! It is a little scary because I haven't really traveled China without a translator before, so I guess there is a first time for everything. I think it will be okay. As we move further east, more people speak English and it will be easier to get around the bigger cities, since I have been there before. We did fairly well today, so I think it will be fine when we hit Xian and Shanghai.
We had a pretty easy day today. Lanzhou is a major city on the silk road because it is near the Yellow River and the Hexi Corridor. These two connections make it an ideal trading post to the old silk road, and it later became China's main defensive city in the west. We visited the Yellow River today, and my mother was shocked to see how dirty it was. She thought it was going to be golden like the name implies, but it was just brown, muddy and filthy. It is one of the most polluted rivers in China. Despite the pollution, we took a quick speed boat ride on the river to see the bridges and White Pagoda Park on the other side of the river. We even saw people floating in the river on wooden rafts! I thought they were going to fall over, given the water was so choppy. After the speed boat ride, we walked along the river, did some people watching, and crossed Lanzhou's most famous bridge, Zhongshan Bridge. Zhongshan Bridge was constructed in 1907 by German and American engineers and was "the first bridge over the Yellow River." We crossed the bridge to visit White Pagoda Park, but when we got there my camera died. UGH! We decided to head back to the hotel, so I could charge my camera. I couldn't visit White Pagoda Park or anywhere else for that matter without my camera.
Monument at the Entrance to the Yellow River Observation Park
Elderly Chinese people doing their morning exercise - dancing! So cute!
Mom on our Speed Boat Tour of the Yellow River

View of Zhongshan Bridge and White Pagoda Park

The Summit of White Pagoda Park

A Mosque along the Yellow River

After taking a break at the hotel, we decided to visit White Pagoda Park tomorrow and would spend the evening walking around the neighborhood. My mother is obsessed with tea, so we visited a tea shop where they made us some really great tea! She also bought a ton of tea, probably enough to fill Boston Harbor again! LOL! It was just nice to walk around the streets and do some people watching. We had dinner at a little restaurant and I came back to blog! Tomorrow night, we will be embarking on our last train ride of the trip, yeah! I am so over the train because the luggage is such a pain on the train. This time the train ride to Xian will only be 9-hours, so it won't be as bad as the 14-hour ones. I am excited to be going to Xian! It is one of my most favorite cities in China because of the Terracotta Warriors, Steles Museum, the Grand Mosque and the Muslim Quarter. I can't wait to share Xian with you!
Off to pack again. Hugs and Kisses to everyone! Have fun!
1 comment:
what do you mean lier is not going to be with you anymore???? young lady you have no business traveling by yourself!!! you worry me sick, just like one of my own kids!!!! is that trip to turkey with the fullbright? i think i saw it. it would be fun to try to get a trip with several of us again for next summer!!! I am thinking about you, and praying for your safety!
Love, Jenn
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